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Resource Center Forward Thinking Systems Releases First Cradlepoint-Compatible ELD Software

Forward Thinking Systems Releases First Cradlepoint-Compatible ELD Software

May 8, 2019 Ashley Preston

If you haven’t switched from AOBRD to ELD yet, you only have until the end of this year to do so.

When Phase 2 of the ELD rule went into effect in December 2016, carriers that were already using AOBRDs were given two years to make the switch to ELD. But after December 16, 2019, everyone who is required to log Hours of Service (minus a few exemptions) must be using a certified ELD that is registered with the FMCSA.

To help Cradlepoint router users prepare for the final ELD deadline, we have released the first FMCSA-registered ELD solution that’s compatible and optimized for the Ericsson Enterprise Wireless Solutions’ NetCloud service and select wireless edge router devices.

Our new ELD software is compatible with Cradlepoint’s IBR1700, IBR900, and IBR1100 series of mobile routers using an add-on dongle that plugs into the vehicle’s Electronic Control Unit (ECU) to read the J1939 and OBD2 parameters. The ELD data is stored and transmitted over Wi-Fi to ensure that all logs are up-to-date and ready for review. The information is transmitted in real time to your smart phone or tablet.

Combine Cradlepoint routers with Intellihub, Route Matrix, and Field Warrior for a powerful ELD solution.

Cradlepoint is a market leader in advanced cellular router solutions for the transportation and public sector markets; effectively storing and transmitting ELD data over Wi-Fi to ensure that logs are always up-to-date and ready for review. Cradlepoint devices are capable of utilizing dual modems and advanced services like FirstNet for first responders and only need a minimal investment in additional hardware to be ELD-compliant.

Managers can view and manage driver logs by using our browser-based command center, IntelliHub®, where you’ll see vehicle and driver data in real-time, including current duty status, location, speed, ignition status, and driver behavior.

Drivers use our mobile workforce management app, Field Warrior®, to maintain ELD-compliant Hours of Service. In addition to being a fully-compliant ELD, Field Warrior also does electronic DVIRs, signature captures on digital forms, dispatching, commercial navigation, two-way messaging, and much more. Field Warrior is currently available on Android and Garmin devices.

Field Warrior, our industry-leading, certified ELD device.

If you’re already using Cradlepoint routers in the field, you can take advantage of this new solution to comply with the ELD mandate before the deadline is here. Our ELD solution is certified to meet all of the FMCSA’s required parameters by collecting information from the vehicle, including VIN, odometer reading, engine hours, speed, and a list of other critical data points.

The FMCSA has made it clear that compliance is not an option; already cracking down on carriers and drivers who aren’t currently using AOBRDs or ELDs. To avoid heavy fines and major shipping delays, make sure your vehicles have the right devices installed and your drivers are trained on how to properly use them.

And if you’re looking for other innovative ways to improve your fleet operation and safety record, we have a list of helpful tools that make your job easier. Along with IntelliHub and Field Warrior, our products include Route Matrix® for streamlining dispatch services and automatically creating efficient routes; Road Angel® for 24/7 roadside assistance for trucks and fleet vehicles; and FleetCam®, our fleet vehicle camera solution with AI-capability and in-cab feedback to help drivers avoid crashes and distractions that makes it one of the most advanced collision prevention systems on the market.

You only have a few more months to make the switch. We can make sure you’re ready. Reach out today to get started.

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